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You are here:  Help > Pages - Adding and Editing
All authenticated users can create new pages under the My Pages tab.  Campus group leaders can also create new pages for their campus group.  To create a new page:
  • Click on the   Add a Page link in the left hand table of contents to open the Create a New Page window.
  • Enter the page name.  NOTE:  Names can contain letters, digits, spaces, single quotes, brackets and signs -,! and .. Each open bracket should have a corresponding close bracket.
  • Click on Create to create the page, or Cancel, if you don't want to create the page now.
  • The page will be created and the screen will refresh and display the Customize New Page [Page Name] window.  You will see the following tabs across the top of the window:
      Properties   Content    Layout   Permissions    
    Information about these tabs can be found below.
You can control who has access to your page by changing page permissions.  (Note:  You cannot change permissions on pages in your My Pages area.  You are the only person who can access those pages.) 
If you have not just created the page, click on the "Edit Page" link at the top right of the content area.
To change the page permissions,
  • Click on the Permissions tab in the tab bar:
      Properties  Content   Layout   Permissions     
  • You will see a list of roles specific to the page -- Faculty and Students on a course page, Leaders and Members on a Campus Group page.  You will also see a list of Global User roles the members of which which are generated automatically by settings in the CARS database.
  • Click the checkbox for the role(s) you wish to include.
  • Click on Save at the bottom of the page.
You may also create a new role to grant access to your page by a group of individuals not defined by a Global User role.
  • Underneath the page specific roles, click on the   "Add a Role" link.
  • Enter a name for your role in the Role Name field.
  • Click on the "Add Individual Users" link.
  • Highlight the name(s) of the individual(s) you want to add to the role.  Hold down the Control key while you click to add multiple people at the same time.
  • Click on the     --> Add     button when you are done.  This will move these people to the Selected Users box.  To remove someone from the selected Users box, highlight their name and click the      <-- Remove     button.
  • Click on OK at the bottom of the box.
  • You will return to the previous screen where you entered a name for your role.
  • Faculty members on course pages, can also click a link to "Choose from roles in all my courses", if they have created roles on other course pages.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and CLICK SAVE.  Otherwise, your role will not be created.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Exit to get back to your page.

NOTE:  Be very sure you want to delete a page!  When you DELETE A PAGE, it is final and cannot be undone.  You will not be asked to confirm the deletion.  When you click on the  
  Delete the page   
button, the page WILL be deleted!!

If you have not just created the page, click on the "Edit Page" link at the top right of the content area.
You should be on the Properties tab:
 Properties   Content   Layout   Permissions    
in the tab bar.

To delete a page, click on the   Delete the page  button.  You will not be asked to confirm that you want to delete the page.  It will be deleted and you will be returned to the home page for the tab or course you are working on.
Adding Portlets to the Page

If you have not just created the page, click on the "Edit Page" link at the top right of the content area.
To add a portlet to the page,
  • Click on the Content link in the tab bar:  
     Properties   Content   Layout   Permissions     
    If there are already portlets on the page, you will see a list of those portlets. 
  • Click on the  "Add a Portlet'' link below the list of existing portlets.
  • You will see a list of all the portlets available to you to add to the page.
  • Check off one or more to add them.
  • When you check a portlet, the portlet name will become a text field.  Customize the display name of portlets you are adding by typing the new name in this text field.  This display name can be edited later by using the ''Edit'' icon next to the portlet's name on the main screen of the Content tab.
Deleting Portlets
To delete a portlet, click on the   ''Delete'' icon  next to the portlet's name on the Content tab.

Be careful:  this cannot be undone and will permanently delete any content you have added within that portlet.
If you have not just created the page, click on the "Edit Page" link at the top right of the content area.
To change the layout of your page,
  • Click on the Content tab in the tab bar:
     Properties   Content   Layout   Permissions   
  • At the top of the page, you can select from a variety of Column Layouts:  one column, two or three even columns and a few options with one column wider than the others.
  • Click the radio button for the layout you'd like to use.
  • In the Arrange Portlets section, you can place the portlets where you want them on the page.
  • If you selected multiple columns, determine which portlets should go in which columns.
  • Scroll down to the Arrange Portlets section and highlight the portlet you want to move.
  • Then click on the
    icon above the column to which you want to move the portlet.
  • You can use the and buttons to move a portlet up and down the page or column.