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You are here:  Help > Forums Portlet
The forums portlet provides users with a discussion area, where they can post or read messages on different topics.  Forums are threaded, meaning each reply to the original post starts a "thread" of discussion.  Users can reply to any message in the topic.
A forum is organized by Categories.  Each category can have multiple Topics.  Each topic can have multiple Threads.
Click on a topic to view a list of the threads posted under that topic.  For each thread you will see the subject (as a link to details of posts to the thread), the author, the date and time of the last message posted, the number of times the post has been viewed, and the number of replies in the thread.  You may click on each of the column heading to change the sorting order of the threads, i.e. if you wish to sort by author or subject or see which threads have been posted to most recently.
Click on the subject of a thread to see the original message posted, followed by a list of all replies to that thread.  In addition, for each author, you will see the total number of posts that person has made to the all categories, topics and threads in that forum portlet.  NOTE:  You may change the display of a thread to show just the message whose subject you clicked, followed by the details of the thread.  See Customizing Your View of a Forum.
The subject fields of any replies is a link to a display of that message.  Below the message will be a list of the details of the thread.  The subjects in this list are links to a full view of that particular message.
To follow the order of the thread:  Each reply to the original post is numbered (1, 2, 3).  If a user replies to one of these replies, a decimal point is added and those replies begin to be numbered  (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 -- three replies to the first person who responded to the original post.)  If someone wanted to respond to the second of these responses (1.2), their message would be numbered 1.2.1.  A response to that message would be, and so on.
You may Subscribe to a topic of interest by clicking on the Subscribe to Topic link at the right side of the topic title line.  This link will now change to Unsubscribe to Topic.  You may also subscribe to a particular thread, by clicking on the Subscribe link at the right side of the topic name bar when you are viewing any message in the thread.  The manager of the forum selects the notification settings for subscriptions to the topic.  You will be notified whenever there is a new post and for the first post in a new topic. 
You may search a forum to find posts containing a certain phrase, written by a certain author, in a certain category or thread, or posted on a certain day or in a specific date range.
  • Go to the main or full view of the forums portlet by clicking on Go to Main Screen in the bottom right corner of the portlet, or by clicking on the title of the portlet.
  • Click on the blue    Search     tab just above the list of forum categories and topics.
  • This will open the Search View window, with the following fields:
    Find in Messages - Enter a phrase to search for in this text field.
    Results Must - Choose to match all the words in the phrase exactly, match any of the words in the phrase, or match the phrase exactly.
    Find by Author - defaults to All Authors, but you may also select an author from a drop-down list of authors who have posted to a forum.
    Look in Topics - defaults to All Topics, or you may select a specific category or topic from a drop-down list of topics in this forum.
    Show Results From / To - Allows you to select a specific date or date range to search.
  • Enter your search choices and click Search.

A list of Search results will be presented displaying the subject, message, author, date and time of the post.  You may click on the subject of any of these posts to view that particular post, but also a list of posts related to it (the original and any replies).  From here you will have the option to Reply to the post, as well.

Forums can be managed only by the person who added the portlet to a page, or by those people designated to do so by this person.
Customizing Forum Settings
You may take the following steps on the page where the portlet appears or on the main or full view of the portlet.  (You can get to the full view by clicking on the title of the portlet or the "Go to Main Screen" link in the bottom right corner of the portlet.)
  • Click on the (Customize) icon on the right hand side of the title bar of the forums portlet to open the Customize Portlet window.
  • There are three tabs in this window:  Preferences, Settings and Permissions.  The options are described below.
  • Make your changes.
  • Click Save.  NOTE:  In order for all changes to be saved, you must click Save on one tab before going to another tab. 
  • When you have finished making changes, click on Exit to return to the main view of the portlet.
Preferences Tab
These settings are related to your own personal view of the forum and are not default settings for all users of the forum!
Default Screen Topic - You may select one of the topics in the forum portlet to be displayed when you view the portlet on the originating page.  The portlet on the originating page will now display a View All Topics link beneath the list of posted messages for the default topic chosen.   You may also go to the main or full view to see all topics.
Default Message View (Forums Only) - You may choose to view Multiple Messages at one time, or a Single Message, when you click on a thread in a topic.
Messages per Page - If you have chosen to view multiple messages in the above setting, you may choose to display 5, 10, 25 or 50 messages at a time when you click on a topic. This setting is also used for the number of messages displayed per page in your Search Results. 
Settings Tab
Allow Anonymous Posting - Select this checkbox if you wish to allow users to post messages anonymously.  This will add a Post Anonymously checkbox to the Manage Message View window when a users adds a thread to a topic, or replies to a post.
Permissions Tab
A forums portlet on a  page will, by default, be readable (only) by anyone who has access to the page.  Users with access to the page can also subscribe to a forum topic.  In order for users to be able to post to a forum, you need to grant them permissions on the Permissions tab.
When you will click on the Permissions tab, you will see one or possibly two categories of role types from which you may choose roles to grant permissions.  You will always see a Global User Roles section, listing the base roles which have been set up for myColby.  If you are managing a bulletin board for a group, you will also see a section for that group, listing the Leader role and Members role.
For every role in a category, you can select a checkbox for each of the following permissions:
All Operations - Allows members of a role to perform all the operations listed below.
Can Add Messages - Allows members of a role to post and reply to messages.  This must be checked for members of a role to see the Add a Thread link when they click on a topic or the Reply link when they click on an individual post.
Can Edit and Delete Own Messages - Allows members of a role to edit (only) messages that they have posted.  (Only roles that can Manage Messages can delete messages.)
Can Manage Categories - Allows members of a role to access the Manage menu when in the main or full view of the portlet.  The Manage menu options include adding/editing/ordering categories, adding topics, and managing subscriptions (for the user only).  The   (Add a topic - categories only),   (Edit) and (Delete) icons will now appear by each category and topic when the user is in the main or full view of the portlet.
Can Manage Messages - Allows members of a role to edit and delete any messages posted to the bulletin board, regardless of who posted them.
Using the Manage Menu
If you have permissions to manage a forum, when you go to the main or full view of a bulletin board portlet, you will see a blue    Manage    tab, to the left of the   Search    tab at the top of the window.  If you are an authenticated user who has subscribed to a forum topic or thread, you will also see the   Manage   tab.  Mousing over the Manage tab will display a menu with the following options:
Add a Category
  • Select Add a Category to open the Manage Category View.
  • Complete the following information:
    Label - This is the name or label of the category that will appear in the portlet.
    Description - This optional field allows you to enter a description of the category.  This text will appear in italics under the dotted line beneath the category name in the portlet.
    Position - The default position is First, but you may also choose to place your new category after any of the existing categories by selecting that category from a drop-down list.
    Permitted Users - By default, a category can be viewed by all.  You may also choose to make the category viewable by only certain roles and/or users.  To restrict who can view the category:
                Click on the icon on the right side of the gray Selected Users bar.
                Click on the Advanced link on the right side, just above the "Roles in ..." box.
                The window will refresh (you may need to open the Selected Users section again) and there will now be a gray section on the left side of the "Roles in..." box with a list of tabs or groups to which you have access.
                Click on the Global Users and Roles link to get a list of the default roles for myColby.  If you want to restrict a topic to Leaders or Members of a group, click on the group's link.
                Select the role(s) you wish to be able view the Category.  
                If  you want to restrict the category to specific users, click on the Users in the Select By: section of the Roles in Portal section of the Roles box.  You may search by user name, or display a list of names by role (select the role from the Roles drop-down list).  Select the user(s) by clicking the checkbox next to their name.  
                You can select BOTH roles and users.
                At any time, you can go to the View By area just above the Role box and click the Selected link to see which roles and/or users you have selected.
  • Click on Save to add the category or Cancel, if you do not wish to save the category at this time.

Edit a Category

  • Select Edit a Category to display a list of categories.  Select the category you wish to edit to open the Manage Category View. 
  • The Category details will be displayed (see fields above), with the addition of a list of topics within the category at the bottom of the page.
  • Change any fields you wish to update.
  • You can reorder the topics in the category by renumbering them in the list at the bottom of the page.
  • You can edit or delete a topic from this location by clicking on the (Edit) icon or the (Delete) icon next to the topic you want to edit or delete.
  • You can also move, copy or delete a topic.  Move or copy a topic to a different category by selecting the checkbox for the topic you wish to move or copy, select Move or Copy from the action drop-down and selecting the new category from the drop-down list of categories.  You may select a checkbox for a topic and select Delete from the action drop-down list (or by clicking the trash can to the right of the topic you wish to delete.)
  • Click on Save to save your changes or Cancel if you don't wish to make any changes at this time.
Order Categories
  • Select Order Categories to open the Order Categories window.
  • A list of categories will be displayed in the current numerical order.
  • To change the order of the categories, change the numerical order.
  • Click Save to save the new order or Cancel if you don't wish to reorder your categories now.
You may also add a new topic to a category by clicking on the (Add) icon beside the category name or a new category by clicking on the Add a Category link at the bottom of the screen.
Add a Topic
  • Select Add a Topic to open the Manage Topic View.
  • Complete the following information:
    Name - This is the name or label of the topic that will appear under the selected category in the portlet.
    Description - This optional field allows you to enter a description of the topic.  This text will appear under the topic name in the portlet.
    Category - Select from the drop-down list the category under which you want the topic to appear.
    List This Topic - The default position is First, or you may choose to list it Last.
    Start Date - The default is to Display Now.  Or you may choose to Display Later Manually (edit the topic later and change this field to Display Now) or  choose to Display On and select a date and time for the topic to appear.
    End Date - The default is set to End On 30 days from the date the topic is added.  You may change this date and time.  You may choose to have No End Date.  Or you may choose to End Now (if  you want to end a topic immediately).
    After End - By default the topic becomes Read Only after ending.  You may choose to Delete the topic after it ends, if you prefer.
    Permitted Users - By default, a topic can be viewed by all.  You may also choose to make the topice viewable only by certain roles and/or users.  To restrict who can view the topic:
                Click on the icon on the right side of the gray Selected Users bar.
                Click on the Advanced link on the right side, just above the "Roles in ..." box.
                The window will refresh (you may need to open the Selected Users section again) and there will now be a gray section on the left side of the "Roles in..." box with a list of tabs or groups to which you have access.
                Click on the Global Users and Roles link to get a list of the default roles for myColby.  If you want to restrict a topic to Leaders or Members of a group, click on the group's link.
                Select the role(s) you wish to be able view the Category.  
                If  you want to restrict the topic to specific users, click on the Users in the Select By: section of the Roles in Portal section of the Roles box.  You may search by user name, or display a list of names by role (select the role from the Roles drop-down list).  Select the user(s) by clicking the checkbox next to their name.  
                You can select BOTH roles and users.
                At any time, you can go to the View By area just above the Role box and click the Selected link to see which roles and/or users you have selected.
  • Click on Save to add the topic or Cancel, if you do not wish to save the category at this time.

NOTE: This will appear for any authenticated user who has subscribed to a topic or thread.
  •  Select Subscriptions to open the Manage Subscriptions window.  This option only appears if you have subscriptions in place for a topic. 
  • You will see a list of the topics and threads to which you have subscribed. 
  • The two choices for subscriptions are All Messages in This Topic (the default) or First Message in a Thread.  Change your notification selection and click Save.
  • You may delete subscriptions here (instead of going to the topic and clicking Unsubscribe to Topic) by clicking the checkbox for the topic(s) whose subscriptions you want to cancel and clicking Delete Selection.  Or you may delete all subscriptions by clicking Delete All. 
Edit or Delete a Topic
To edit or delete a topic, go to the main or full view of the bulletin board portlet by clicking on the portlet name or the Go to Main Screen in the bottom right corner of the portlet. 
If you have permissions to manage the portlet, you will see these icons by the category and topic names: 
  (Add a topic - categories only),   (Edit) and (Delete).

Edit a Topic (or Category)
  • Click on the   icon to open the Mangage Topic View or Manage Category View window described above in the Using the Manage Menu section.  (If  you click on the  icon to add a topic in a category, the Manage Topic View window will open.)
  • If you clicked on the  (Edit) icon, the details of the topic (or category) will be displayed in the field.  Make the desired changes.
  • Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel if you don't wish to save your changes now.
Delete a Topic
  • Click on the  icon to delete a topic. 
  • A pop-up will display asking "Are you sure you want to delete this item?".
  • Click OK to delete the item or Cancel if you don't want to delete the item at this time.
    NOTE:  Deleting a topic will delete all messages in that topic and cannot be undone! 

Edit or Delete a Category
To edit a category, go to the main or full view of the bulletin board portlet by clicking on the portlet name or the Go to Main Screen in the bottom right corner of the portlet. 
If you have permissions to manage the portlet, you will see the blue    Manage    tab, and these icons by the category names:    (Add a topic),  and (Edit).

Edit a Category
  • Either click on the   icon by the category to edit OR go to the   Manage    menu, scroll down to Edit Category and select the category you want to edit. 
  • This will open the Manage Category View window described above in the Using the Manage Menu section and the details of the category will be displayed in the field. 
  • Make the desired changes.
  • Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel if you don't wish to save your changes now.
Delete a Category
  • Go to the   Manage    menu and select Order Categories to open the Order Categories window.
  • Click on the  icon next to the category you want to delete. 
  • A pop-up will display asking "Are you sure you want to delete this item?".
  • Click OK to delete the item or Cancel if you don't want to delete the item at this time.
    NOTE:  Deleting a category will delete all topics and related messages in that category and cannot be undone!

Edit or Delete a Thread
Edit or Delete a Message in a Thread
If you have permissions to manage messages, you can go to the full view of any message in a thread (click on the subject of the message) and to the right of the subject, you will see an Edit, Delete and Reply link.
  • Click on Edit to edit the text or settings of the posted message.
  • Click on Delete to delete just that message.  NOTE:  The message will not disappear from the Thread Detail, but will now read "Deleted Message" as the subject.  It will still show the author and the date and time of the original post, but clicking on the subject will now show the name of the person who deleted the message in the body of the message.
Delete a Thread
 To delete an entire thread and all the messages within it:
  • Click on the topic containing the thread you want to delete.
  • Select the checkbox next to the thread to be deleted.
  • Click on the Delete Selected Threads link located beneath the last thread in the list.  (To the right of the See Selected Threads in Print View link.)
    NOTE:  Deleting a thread will delete all messages in that thread and cannot be undone! 
In order to post to a forum, you must have permission to do so.  Some forums may be set up for read only access, in which case, posting a message will not be an option for you.  If you have permission to post, when you click on a topic, you will see two links at the right edge of the line with the topic name:    Add a Thread   and   Subscribe (or Unsubscribe) to Topic.
Add a Thread
  • Click on the topic to which you want to post.
  • Click on Add a Thread.
  • The Manage Message View form will open with the following fields:
    Subject - Will appear on the list of postings under a topic.
    Message - The body of your posting, displayed when someone clicks on your subject in the postings list.
    Attachment - You can attach a file to your post.
    Show My Photo - Since we are not using photos in the portal, please uncheck this box.
  • Click on Save to post the message, Preview to see what your post will look like, or Cancel if you don't wish to submit a post at this time.
  • If you click on Preview, you will then have the option to Post a Message, Edit (to go back and edit your post) or Cancel.

Reply to a Message

  • Click on the Subject link for message to which you want to reply. 
  • Click on the Reply link on the right side of the message box.
  • The Manage Message View form will open, similar to when you post a new message, but with the following changes:
    Subject - will display "Re:  " followed by the original subject.
    Quote Original - this is a link found just under and to the right of the Message text box.  Click this link to insert the original message into the Message text box.
    Original Message - The original message is displayed at the bottom of the page.
  • Click Save, Preview or Cancel.

Edit a Message

If the forum administrator has given permission for users to edit their own posts, when you click on the subject of one of your posts, there will be an Edit link next to the Reply link.

  • Click on Edit to open the Manage Message View form, which will open prepopulated with the details of your original message.
  • Make your changes.
  • Click on Save, Preview, or Cancel.
You may take the following steps on the page where the portlet appears or on the main or full view of the portlet.  (You can get to the full view by clicking on the title of the portlet or the "Go to Main Screen" link in the bottom right corner of the portlet.)
  • Click on the (Customize) icon on the right hand side of the title bar of the forums portlet to open the Customize Portlet window.
  • You will be on the Preferences tab.  The options are described below. 
  • Make your changes.
  • Click Save. 
  • When you have finished making changes, click on Exit to return to the main view of the portlet.
Preferences Tab
These settings are related to your own personal view of the forum and are not default settings for all users of the forum!
Default Screen Topic - You may select one of the topics in the forum portlet to be displayed when you view the portlet on the originating page.  The portlet on the originating page will now display a View All Topics link beneath the list of posted messages for the default topic chosen.   You may also go to the main or full view to see all topics.
Default Message View (Forums Only) - You may choose to view Multiple Messages at one time, or a Single Message, when you click on a thread in a topic.
Messages per Page - If you have chosen to view multiple messages in the above setting, you may choose to display 5, 10, 25 or 50 messages at a time when you click on a topic. This setting is also used for the number of messages displayed per page in your Search Results.