Maximum Days Active - Select the number of days (3, 7, 15, 30, 60, 120, No Limit) a message is retained before being automatically deleted. The default is No Limit.
Permissions Tab
A bulletin board portlet on a page will, by default, be readable (only) by anyone who has access to the page. Users with access to the page can also subscribe to a bulletin board. In order for users to be able to post to a bulletin board, you need to grant them permissions on the Permissions tab.
When you will click on the Permissions tab, you will see one or possibly two categories of role types from which you may choose roles to grant permissions. You will always see a Global User Roles section, listing the base roles which have been set up for myColby. If you are managing a bulletin board for a group, you will also see a section for that group, listing the Leader role and Members role.
For every role in a category, you can select a checkbox for each of the following permissions:
All Operations - Allows members of a role to perform all the operations listed below.
Can Add Messages - Allows members of a role to post and reply to messages. This must be checked for members of a role to see the Post a Message link when they click on a topic or the Reply link when they click on an individual post.
Can Edit and Delete Own Messages - Allows members of a role to edit (only) messages that they have posted. (In bulletin boards, only roles that can Manage Messages can delete messages.)
Can Manage Categories - Allows members of a role to access the Manage menu when in the main or full view of the portlet. The Manage menu options include adding/editing/ordering categories, adding topics, and managing subscriptions (for the user only). The
(Add a topic - categories only),
(Edit) and
(Delete) icons will now appear by each category and topic when the user is in the main or full view of the portlet.
Can Manage Messages - Allows members of a role to edit and delete any messages posted to the bulletin board, regardless of who posted them.