In order to post to a forum, you must have permission to do so. Some forums may be set up for read only access, in which case, posting a message will not be an option for you. If you have permission to post, when you click on a topic, you will see two links at the right edge of the line with the topic name: Add a Thread and Subscribe (or Unsubscribe) to Topic.
Add a Thread
- Click on the topic to which you want to post.
- Click on Add a Thread.
- The Manage Message View form will open with the following fields:
Subject - Will appear on the list of postings under a topic.
Message - The body of your posting, displayed when someone clicks on your subject in the postings list.
Attachment - You can attach a file to your post.
Show My Photo - Since we are not using photos in the portal, please uncheck this box.
- Click on Save to post the message, Preview to see what your post will look like, or Cancel if you don't wish to submit a post at this time.
- If you click on Preview, you will then have the option to Post a Message, Edit (to go back and edit your post) or Cancel.
Reply to a Message
- Click on the Subject link for message to which you want to reply.
- Click on the Reply link on the right side of the message box.
- The Manage Message View form will open, similar to when you post a new message, but with the following changes:
Subject - will display "Re: " followed by the original subject.
Quote Original - this is a link found just under and to the right of the Message text box. Click this link to insert the original message into the Message text box.
Original Message - The original message is displayed at the bottom of the page.
- Click Save, Preview or Cancel.
Edit a Message
If the forum administrator has given permission for users to edit their own posts, when you click on the subject of one of your posts, there will be an Edit link next to the Reply link.
- Click on Edit to open the Manage Message View form, which will open prepopulated with the details of your original message.
- Make your changes.
- Click on Save, Preview, or Cancel.