To manage your announcements, go to the main or full view of the announcements portlet by clicking on the portlet title or the View All Announcements link at the bottom of the portlet. You will see three sections to the page:
- Inbox - This is a list of any announcements that you have received and not chosen to delete.
- Outbox - This is a list of any announcements that you have submitted.
Deleting Announcements in Your Inbox
You may delete any announcements in your Inbox that you no longer wish to see on any announcement portlet.
- Select the checkbox for the announcement(s) you no longer wish to see.
- Click on Remove Selected. If this is an announcement that you submitted, you will still see this announcement in your Outbox.
To edit an announcement,
- In your Outbox, click on the
(Edit) icon for the announcement you want to edit.
- This will open the announcement form for that announcement. Make the desired changes.
- Click on Save to save the changes, or Cancel, if you don't want to save the changes.
Deleting Announcements for All Targeted Users
To delete any announcements in your Outbox that you no longer wish to be available to the targeted roles:
- Select the checkbox for the announcement to be deleted.
- Click on Delete Selected.