The Chat portlet allows you to enter chat rooms and converse with other on-line users. A chat portlet will show a list of available chat rooms and, if you are an administrator of the chat portlet, you will also see an Admin Chat link below the list of chat rooms.
By default, any person with access to a page on which the chat portlet resides can take part in the chat. To restrict a chat portlet to authenticated users, see the General Settings section of
Managing a Chat.
NOTE: In order to use the Chat portlet, you must either turn off your pop-up blocker(s) or allow pop-ups from in your browser and/or any toolbars (Google, Yahoo, etc.) that offer pop-up blocking.
If you have pop-ups blocked, the first time you try to open a Chat session, you should see a bar at the top of the window warning you that a pop-up has been blocked. Click the options or preferences button and allow pop-ups from