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You are here:  Parents > Retrieve Password
Enter your parent email account that your student would have entered in our system. In addition you must include two of the three following items - Student ID, Parent ID and/or Student date of birth. If we find a match in our system you will receive an email with your credentials within 15 minutes. If this doesn't work for you please fill out the "Lost your password" section below.
If you have been issued a Parent username (ID) by your student but you have misplaced your password please fill out this form and include your username (ID number) in the body of the email. If you have misplaced both your username (ID number) and your password then please enter your name, email address and your students name and ID or Colby email address. You will receive your ID and password sent to the email address your student entered in our system on the same or next business day.
Email Address: